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Black Futures - Edited by Jenna Wortham and Kimberly Drew

I initially requested Black Futures through Netgalley but reading the ebook was not good enough. So I pre-ordered the hardcover and read it that way. It took me a very long time to finish but it was worth it. This book. THIS. BOOK. It is required reading. It is our hopes. Our dreams. Our realities. It is our future.

I am a GIANT fan of both Jenna Wortham and Kimberly Drew. Each woman is a powerhouse of art, activism, words and a damn good selfie. The two of them came together in friendship and in this endeavor to show that there are Black people in the future. Their hard work, along with every writer, artist, musician, photographer and activist who contributed to this must-read, made my heart swell and reminded me that Black people are the blueprint for everything.

I can say that there are so many contributors in this book that I had never heard of before reading Black Fuures. Part of me felt shame for not knowing who these people were but I got over it because now I DO know who they are. It took me awhile to read this book because I kept stopping to Google the contributors and their work. I watched videos, read articles and stories and even played a video game where the player slaps the hands of white people trying to touch a Black woman’s hair as she tries to get through an airport (that game is called “Hair Nah” and can be found here). There are recipes to try, suggestions on how to create a history of your life and collect art. There is so much to read through and experience.

This review will never be able to capture how much I love this book. And when I say love, I mean genuine love. I felt so proud when I closed the book and envy because I wished I could have been a part of it. Black Futures is a book that should be in every Black household. It should be passed down to children and grandchildren so our history during this time will not be forgotten. I HIGHLY recommend that you buy Black Futures.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Where to buy: The Lit. Bar Loyalty Bookstores Indiebound Amazon