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The Death of Vivek Oji - Akwaeke Emezi

Akwaeke Emezi has quickly become an author whose work I must read as soon as it is released. The first time I read their work, I read the young adult novel Pet, which is a beautiful story of what happens when the monsters you think have disappeared are right under your nose. I fell in love with the author’s writing and bought their previous novel, Freshwater, right after reading Pet, which sealed my love for their work. Now, with their latest novel, The Death of Vivek Oji, Akwaeke Emezi has become an author to always look out for.

The Death of Vivek Oji is one of the most beautiful stories I have read this year. The book begins with Vivek Oji’s death. His body is dumped on the porch of his family’s home, to be discovered by his mother. From then until the end of the book, readers are taken on a journey to discover the cause and reason for his death. During this journey, we are given glimpses, then long, long looks at Vivek and the struggles he endures.

I can tell you that Akwaeke Emezi has written this book with so much love, especially for Vivek. The language they use to describe his struggles are raw and real, but with a gentleness that made me love Vivek as much as the other characters in the story. He himself is a gentle soul who does not understand what is happening to him. But with the love of his friends and his cousin, Osita, Vivek blossoms into the person he is meant to be before his life is cut short.

I refuse to give anymore details because I really want my readers to read this book with an open mind and heart. I want all of you to imagine being Vivek, his struggles, his secrecy and his joy when he finally sets himself free. Because if you do, you just may end up doing what I did: reading the last page, closing the book and then giving it a great big hug.

The Death of Vivek Oji is out now.

Where to buy: The Lit. Bar Loyalty Bookstores Indiebound Amazon