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The Eternal Ones - Namina Forna

It’s here! The final book in The Gilded Ones series by Namina Forna has arrived. I can’t believe we’re at the end, but it is definitely worth the wait.

In the last and final book of the series, we pick up right after Book 2. Deka is in pain. The kind of pain that would drive anyone mad, it is so severe. The search for her kelai, which was stolen from her, continues. But will she find it in time before her body deteriorates?

Listen, Deka and her friends have been through so much trauma, it is a miracle they’re even bothering to save Otera. Deka specifically because from the moment her blood ran gold, she has experienced atrocity after atrocity. Enough to make anyone just lay down and let Otera burn. But once she learned of her true nature, Deka and her friends have been fighting almost non-stop.

I’m not gonna lie, at times Deka got on my nerves. But I always made sure to remember that she is a teen. All of her friends are and yet they still fight and love and back each other up. I adore these characters so very much and want them all to succeed. Whether they do or not will not be spoiled here.

Namina Forna is such a wonderful writer because not only has she created a series full of imagination, she also created characters and beings I could truly visualize. I’m a very visual reader and I could see everything in my mind as I read the first two books. And she did the same with Eternal Ones. I could imagine the sores covering Deka’s body, the fire that rolls from Keita’s hands, Deka’s combat state, White Hands and her gauntlets, THE GODS. I felt like a film was running through my head and I hope we get to see these characters, places and beings on a screen, big or small.

There were some scenes that I found to be truly beautiful, specifically Keita and his family. I refuse to spoil that part because it is emotional and lovely.

The only complaints I have are sometimes the dialogue is repetitive and there is more telling than showing. It annoyed me a little but not too much that I wanted to stop reading. The final battle is excellent and also emotional so be prepared. All in all, I found this ending to be very satisfying and I’m sad to see it end. I am looking forward to reading whatever is next from the author.

The Eternal Ones is out right now.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Where to buy: The Lit. Bar Loyalty Bookstores Amazon