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These Ghosts Are Family - Maisy Card

What would you do if the father you thought dead was sitting in front of you? In Maisy Card’s debut novel, These Ghosts Are Family, the answer to this question is much more complicated and full of drama. Just the way I like it.

The story begins with Stanford Solomon confessing to his daughters and granddaughter that he is actually Abel Paisley, a name he had not been called in over 30 years. You see, Abel faked his own death while working on the docks in England, leaving a wife and two children behind in Jamaica. The after affects of his decision ripple throughout the novel, which jumps to different times in history. Each chapter of Abel’s family’s story is rich with emotion and a longing for something that always seems to be missing.

My favorite story of the book is called “Ancestors,” about Louise Marie Paisley, a young girl living on the Fowler Plantation. The story delves into what it means to be white and black, with devastating results that left me heartbroken. I would love to see this story expanded into a full novel, because I felt like the author had so much more to say about Louise and her life.

These Ghosts Are Family drops on March 3. You still have time to pre-order or you can stop by your local bookstore or library when it’s released. I highly recommend it.

I received an advance copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Where to buy: Amazon Barnes and Noble Indiebound