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Wow, No Thank You - Samantha Irby

If you need a serious pick-me-up due to the isolation blues, Samantha Irby is the goddamn remedy. In her new collection of essays, she gives us more of the raw, unapologetic content we’ve come to know and love.

I first heard of Samantha (I think she would want me to call her that, don’t you?) while listening to The Read podcast, hosted by Kid Fury and Crissle West. Crissle, who has one of the best laughs I’ve ever heard, could not stop raving about Samantha’s second book, We Are Never Meeting In Real Life, so I bought it immediately. Crissle was not wrong to rave. I read that book in one sitting and laughed my complete ass off.

Now with her third collection of essays, the author dives deeper into her past life, discussing her sexual exploits, sketchy living situations, horrible money choices and, yes, her bowels. But she also writes candidly about taking care of her sick mother (which made me cry) and what it feels like to live in a red state with her wife and stepkids. As always, she mixes humor and raw openness to give readers more of her. Samantha is a better writer than she gives herself credit because she doesn’t waste time trying to be deep and pretentious. She is just herself, and thank god for that.

One other thing I’d like to note is the book’s cover. Full disclsoure: I HATE rabbits. I think they are evil, furry little demons and I can’t stand the sight of them, which is why I have a deep affinity for Anya on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. When I saw that rabbit on the cover, the title held a lot more meaning for me.

Wow, No Thank You will be released on March 31, 2020. Hopefully, you’ve already pre-ordered the book and will receive it in the mail. If not, check with your local bookstore to see if its taking online orders. Support the indie bookstores if you can. I’ve linked to a few below.

I received an advance copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Where to buy: Loyalty Books The Lit. Bar Indiebound