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Reading during a pandemic (and other things on my mind)

Well hello there, my lovely readers. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. Being in the middle of a pandemic has really put a cramp in my reading time because, well, we’re in the middle of a pandemic. It wasn’t until we were forced to stay at home that I realized WHY I was able to read so much. It was because I was always on the go: going to work, to the park, to run errands, to see friends, etc. Any chance I had was the perfect opportunity for me to read in between going to and coming from something. Now that I’m at home all of the time, reading has been rough going. The first two weeks of stay-at-home, I barely picked up a book and when I did, it took so long for me to read. Normally, I fly through books (unless they’re truly awful). But instead, I was distracted, worried about my family and about the world.

Now that we’re in April, my reading has picked up. I’ve been video chatting with family and friends, curbing the amount of news I take in and listening to more podcasts. I exercise, shower every day (because ewww), even wear mascara from time to time. I drink prosecco and listen to Levar Burton read short stories on Fridays. I’ve also shredded every single piece of paper I no longer needed and donated clothes I no longer wanted. I found a new apartment with no physical contact whatsoever (it’s truly amazing and a lot less stressful, tbh). But underneath it all, I still worry. I worry about the future, my family, the people who have lost loved ones at such an alarming rate. I worry about this country’s ridiculous government and its many failings. I worry about the people who have lost jobs, the essential workers going to work every single day to keep us fed, in good health, and on the move. And I worry about you, my lovely readers.

How are you coping? What brings you joy during this time? Are you reading? Doing anything creative? Where are you and who are you with? I am thinking of you and sending you my love. I pray for the day that we all get back to ourselves, even though things will never be the same.

Love J.

If I Had Your Face - Frances Cha

If I Had Your Face - Frances Cha

Wow, No Thank You - Samantha Irby

Wow, No Thank You - Samantha Irby