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African Art Now: 50 Pioneers Defining African Art for the Twenty-First Century - Osei Bonsu

I am ashamed to say that I am not as familiar with African artists as I feel I should be. I know, everyone doesn’t know everything. And that’s okay. With African Art Now, I can remedy that deficiency.

African Art Now is a beautiful book that profiles 50 of the most up and coming artists from the diaspora. Each artist is given several pages so readers can get to know them as people and how they became the artists they are now. We’re also treated to some of their works, which had me looking through each piece with awe. I have so much admiration for artists, especially the ones who use their gifts to speak about different issues in the world. The ones profiled in the books are no different, creating beautiful art that also speaks on everything from politics, family relations, LGBTQIA+ issues, sexual violence and infrastructure failures, the works are vivid, colorful, and created with the love they have for their respective countries and the issues facing their people.

I definitely want to read a finished copy of the book so I can read it again. I can only imagine how beautiful it is in hardcover.

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Where to buy: The Lit. Bar Loyalty Bookstores Amazon