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Come On In - Edited by Adi Alsaid

Come On In - Edited by Adi Alsaid

Being someone who was born in the United States, I've never had to worry about my status as a citizen, at least not in terms of being an American. I've never had to be questioned about my identity while traveling, had Customs agents look extra long and hard at my passport or worry about ICE raids. And although being a Black woman in America has its many challenges, being deported at the whim of a racist government has never been one of them. Reading Come On In was a great way to keep those things at the forefront of my consciousness so I never forget what immigrants go through every day.

The stories I read in this anthology were entertaining, yes, but also harrowing. In Lilliam Rivera's story "Salvation and the Sea," a girls' trip turns into a nerve-wracking checkpoint stop that had my stomach in knots. Same with Sona Charaipotra's story "The Trip," which had one young girl's excitement for a school trip turn into hopeless terror. All of the stories in the anthology told a different tale about being an immigrant during the time of 45 (I refuse to say his name and neither do any of the authors), when being an immigrant is more dangerous than ever.

Some of the stories were heartwarming (Sharon Morse's "Hard to Say"), relatable in its nerdiness and feelings of not belonging (Zoraida Cordova's "Confessions of an Ecuadorkian") and different in their exploration of immigrants we may not think about (Justine Larbalestier's "When I Was White", which explores the experience of an Irish immigrant in Harlem). Each story touched me in different ways and I definitely recommend Come On In to my readers.

Thank you to Netgally for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Where to buy: The Lit. Bar Loyalty Bookstores Indiebound Amazon

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