
Welcome to my blog. Like books? You’ve come to the right place.

COVID-19 Updates

Just a head’s up. Some of the events I posted on this site have been canceled due to COVID-19. Also, if you were heading to Book Expo/Book Con in May, those events have been postponed until July.
I hope everyone is staying safe, practicing responsible social distancing and maintaining their sanity. I’ve been working from home and trying not to eat every snack in my home. I normally love being home so staying in hasn’t been too much of a chore. But I feel for those wondering where their next check is coming from. If you can, please donate to your local food bank. The money will go a long way to feeding those most vulnerable.
In the meantime, I’ll still be posting about books and the virtual book events that will be popping up over the next few weeks. Also, if you’re a fan of Samantha Irby, she posted a video of her reading a small excerpt from her new book, Wow, No Thank You. Go to her Instagram page and check it out on igtv.
Check my Twitter page for more information. I’m retweeting any new book information I come across.
Talk to you soon!


Wow, No Thank You - Samantha Irby

Wow, No Thank You - Samantha Irby

These Ghosts Are Family - Maisy Card

These Ghosts Are Family - Maisy Card