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Black Panther: Protectors of Wakanda: A History and Training Manual of the Dora Milaje from the Marvel Universe - Karama Horne

Black Panther: Protectors of Wakanda: A History and Training Manual of the Dora Milaje from the Marvel Universe - Karama Horne

I knew that as soon as I started reading this book, I would love it. Not because it's about the Dora Milaje, the Royal Family's elite protectors. No, I love this book because as soon as I began reading it, I felt like I was training to become one myself.

I understand that the Dora Milaje are fictional. But this book made me feel like I had just been accepted into the training program. And to be honest, I felt like I wanted to succeed. I wanted to do well, to learn and be the best. The manual, which I read like I was preparing for a pop quiz, is filled with the history of Wakanda, both good and bad, and includes handwritten notes by Dora who could attest to the rigor with which they were trained, including General Okoye. Dora are not only trained physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Learning several languages is a requirement, which I wholeheartedly agree is an important skill to have. The training a kanwata, or Dora Milaje trainee, receives is not about weapons and fighting, it is about the whole person. It is about the Dora who can work with her sisters on covert operations, speak fluent Korean with dignitaries in Seoul and complete a helicarrier jump without fear.

To be honest, when I was done reading, I felt a bit disappointed that I wouldn't be training irl. I know in my heart that if the training program was real, I would travel far to seek Bast's blessing in the hope of becoming a kanwata.

I would love to see this book adapted as a limited series on Disney+ (and I would HAPPILY portray a teacher or trainer) because it truly gives everyone a real look into what it takes to become a Dora Milaje. We all know they're badass from what we saw in the Black Panther film. But this book lets readers see that the Dora are more than just soldiers. They are women who believe in their dreams and will do whatever it takes to see them come to life.

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an advance copy.

Where to buy: The Lit. Bar Loyalty Bookstores Amazon

Karama Horne, author of Protectors of Wakanda.

For more information about Ms. Horne, please see her website.

Rust in the Root - Justina Ireland

Rust in the Root - Justina Ireland

Alive at the End of the World - Saeed Jones

Alive at the End of the World - Saeed Jones