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Quietly Hostile - Samantha Irby

Quietly Hostile - Samantha Irby

Samantha Irby is BACK! And she is just as weird and funny as she's been.

I can honestly say that I am a Samantha Irby stan. I have read all of her books and was praying I received an advance copy of her latest. And honey, I was not disappointed! Her book of essays are hilarious but also emotional, especially when she writes about her family. Now, the author is a wife and stepmother, which gives her even more fodder to write about. Her life so far has been in extremes, which don't seem to be stopping any time soon.

You have to be a certain kind of comfortable to be able to write about some of the things Samantha Irby writes about. In this collection, she writes about her family, the last day with her mother, writing for the Sex and the City reboot and her own show that never was. And she writes like someone who truly wants to share, even if it's the most embarrassing thing imaginable. ALL of us have had humiliating things happen to us, but Samantha Irby writes about them anyway. Because that's what being human is about. Social media has made everyone look like they have perfect lives with flawless skin who take incredible vacations every month. Not Samantha. She shows us who she is, both good and bad, which makes her so relatable to so many of us who read her work.

I'll be attending Samantha Irby's book launch and will be seeing her in person for the first time. I'm praying I don't act like a weird fan like I did when I saw N.K. Jemisin (worth it). Until then, why don't you treat yourself to some laughs and pre-order Quietly Hostile? Goodness knows we definitely need them.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Where to buy: The Lit. Bar Loyalty Bookstores Amazon

Samantha Irby, author of Quietly Hostile.

For more information about the author, please click here.

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