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Reclaim the Stars: 17 Tales Across Realms and Space - Edited by Zoraida Córdova

It is rare that I read a book of short stories and like them all. Well, this collection is one of them.

I am so thankful that I get to read novels and short stories that do not center whiteness, something that was hard to come by when I was growing up. Although the publishing industry still has a long way to go, more and more authors of color are creating stories that capture the imagination and give us characters we can relate to. Reclaim the Stars is no different. The writers who contributed to this collection created stories filled with characters from the Latin diaspora, characters who traveled among the stars, met ancient beings and wielded magic most of us would love to have. But one major theme that was prevalent throughout was the one we all long for: love. Love of family, self or that special someone who may or may not be on the same plane of existence.

Some of the authors who contributed to this collection I was already familiar with, like Daniel Jose Older and Lilliam Rivera. But others I had never heard of, like Circe Moskowitz, and now, thanks to this collection, I will be looking out for and reading their work.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Where to buy: The Lit. Bar Loyalty Bookstores Amazon