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Wandering Stars - Tommy Orange

Wandering Stars - Tommy Orange

I was late to reading Tommy Orange’s first novel, "There, There” but not for his new book, Wandering Stars. And yes, it did not disappoint.

In his latest book, the author takes readers through several generations of Native Americans and what they went through during and after their almost complete genocide at the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864. Eventually, we catch up to some of the same characters in Orange’s first novel, who are coping with what happened at the powwow.

Reading about the brutality that Native Americans faced always fills me with rage. The killings, the forced starvation after white soldiers killed almost all of the bison, stealing Native children and forcing them to attend the industrial schools, only to be abused mentally, physically and sexually, makes me want to vomit. White “supremacy” is nothing but a myth that gives white people the excuse to brutalize the rest of us.

The trauma that the characters in the book suffered through is passed down to each generation. It manifests into drugs, alcoholism, depression and other dangerous coping mechanisms while still trying to live in a world that has basically made Native Americans invisible. To be from the land, have it stolen and then be forced into tiny sections of that same land is abhorrent. The characters are understandably angry and have no idea what to do with that anger that won’t put them in prison. It is a feeling I know very well.

The author also talks about an event that took place in the 60s, which of course, was never taught in school. This event was news to me and it made me angry that yet again, white supremacy glossed over history that was not about white people. I always wonder how much has been removed or buried by white people so that their history is always front and center.

The ending left me with so many questions because it isn’t wrapped up with a bow, which is basically real life. I still enjoyed the book and definitely plan to add it to my personal library. It’s a book I would read again along with There, There.

The writing had me highlighting so many quotes because they were so truthful. It was very hard to choose a favorite. Once I purchase the finished copy, I will edit this review to include a few of them.

I’m definitely looking forward to Tommy Orange’s next book, as he’s quickly become one of the authors whose work I want to read immediately.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Where to buy: The Lit. Bar Loyalty Bookstores Call & Response Books

Tommy Orange, author of Wandering Stars. Photo courtesy of Michael Lionstar.

For more information about the author, please visit here.

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